Welcome to NeuralNet 2022!

After a 2-year pandemic hiatus, we are delighted to present the next meeting of the GDR NeuralNet. We look forward to welcoming the NeuralNet community to Lyon, the 21st-23rd September 2022. Registration is now open - please register as soon as possible, and before 29th July 2022 to benefit from the advanced registration fees.

GDR NeuralNet

GDR NeuralNet is a group of French research teams that come together around the question of how collective neuronal activity forms the basis of functions of the nervous system. The group studies a range of biological and artificial neural networks using population recording techniques, analytic approaches, and computational modelling.

The objective of the GDR NeuralNet is to develop and promote synergies between researchers, engineers, and other stakeholders engaged in measuring, manipulating, analyzing and interpreting neuronal activity.


We are delighted to welcome as invited speakers:

  • Anita Lüthi
  • Carl Petersen
  • Virginie van Wassenhove
  • Benedikt Zoefel
  • Michael Orger
  • Florence Kermen
  • Hans Scherberger
  • Juan Álvaro Gallego
  • Emmanuel Procyk
  • Bjørg Kilavik
  • Desdemona Fricker
  • Jerome Epsztein

 Across four symposia over 3 days of meetings, covering neural circuits and dynamics in a range of areas:

  • Neuronal networks and oscillations
  • Brainwide activity: imaging the zebrafish
  • Largescale neural dynamics of motor and executive control
  • Spatial navigation

We invite abstract submissions for talks to be selected to join these symposia, and also for poster presentations


 Registration is via the Azur Colloque site here.

 Early registration fees are available only until July 29. Beyond this date additional charges will apply.

More detail here


We welcome abstract submissions from the entire community from trainee to PI

There is the possibility for abstracts to be chosen for a talk, and there will otherwise be ample time for poster presentation, and a preview Datablitz for all presenters.

Submit your abstract here


There will be an optional and free minischool targetting students and postdocs on Tuesday 20th September

For information and content click here

Gala Dinner

 We invite you all to a gala dinner in the centre of Lyon, open to everyone resgitered for the meeting

Commercial Sponsors


Scientifica Ltd | Public Marketplace





Institutional Partners 

 Centre national de la recherche scientifique — WikipédiaPage d'accueil - Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de LyonLABEX CORTEX - LABEX CORTEXlogo-UFR BiosciencesED 476 NSCO - L'École Doctorale Neurosciences et Cognition (ED 476 – NSCo)ucbl logo ucbl — SFR BioSciences (UAR3444/US8)Université Lumière Lyon 2



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